When nerves are “pinched” by scar tissue or tight muscles and connective tissue, they are basically being suffocated. There is decreased circulation and therefore the nerve doesn’t receive the appropriate amount of nutrition. This is thought to be the cause of nerve pain (neuritis). With the value of ultrasound imaging, the area of impingement is visualized. A needle is then placed adjacent to the impingement and fluid is injected to separate the nerve from the surrounding tissues. By releasing the pressure from the nerve, circulation is restored and there is immediate relief of pain.
Nerve hydrodissection is a technique used when treating peripheral nerve entrapments. It involves using an anesthetic or solution such as saline to separate the nerve from the surrounding tissue, fascia, or adjacent structures. There are no high-level studies to determine the need or effectiveness of hydrodissection or to establish its safety. Low-level studies do demonstrate some effectiveness and safety for the technique, but further research is necessary.